Saturday, November 8, 2014

Okavango Delta/Maun/Botswana - October 26, 2014

Okavango Delta/Maun/Botswana – October 26, 2014

One of our last stops in Botswana takes us to Maun. Maun is the gateway to the Okavango Delta, and we are going on a 1 hour flight. We fit 5 guests and the pilot into our plane, and off we go. It’s really loud from the motors, so we only are able to “talk” to each other with our hands, pointing madly when we discover a group of animals. The Delta is special, in that the river feeding it doesn’t actually flow into a lake or an ocean, but divides into many little streams and then eventually just evaporates or sinks into the ground. We are looking for animals from up high, we see elephants, giraffes, water buffalo, hippos.

To finish Botswana off, here are a few more interesting facts about this place:

    There has never been a war in Botswana.

    None of the cow’s in this country are dairy cows, only beef. The reason for this is, that dairy cows have udders too large and they would injure them grazing, as there are many, many very sharp thorns in the African savanna. The udders of beef cows are small and don't cause any problems.

1 comment:

  1. Servus Rosi und Karin,
    ich verfolge Euch, natürlich nur im Internet, tolle Bilder und ebenso gute Reisebeschreibungen von Karin. Eine wunderschöne, aber auch anstrengende, Reise. Rosi, Du wirst doch nicht etwa noch ein "Klettermax " werden. Von Hilde soll ich liebe Grüße an die schreiben bzw. ausrichten. Weiterhin alles Gute und Grüße aus München,
