Saturday, November 8, 2014

Namibia - Windhoek, the capital - October 28/29

Namibia – Windhoek, the capital – October 28/29

We have now left Botswana behind, and have arrived in Namibia, a once German colony. There is a lot of controversial history in this country as well, same as in many other colonized countries on this earth. Namibia became independent in 1990, it is like Botswana, very large, and has few inhabitants.
What I have noticed about the African countries we have travelled in so far is, that they are incredibly clean. Even if sometimes things are not as modern as we are used to from back home, they are clean. I even noticed that along the highways, there is no litter. There are rest stops every 30 to 40 km: a tree, a couple of benches and some garbage bins.
I said once before, and I want to say it again: The people of Africa are very, very, friendly. Sometimes we pull over to ask for directions, and they just love to help us out.  When you approach someone, say at a campground reception, game park entrance gate, wherever, they always ask “how are you” and they always extend a greeting. You cannot just start by saying “Hi, do I pay here?”. No, first you say, Hello, how are you? Then they answer and ask you the same back and actually wait to hear your answer.

Windhoek is a modern city, it’s pretty, but a city. Lot’s of traffic, some high rises, many people. We spent one day in town, and are ready to move on out, back to the piece and tranquility of the country side.

Christ Church, Windhoek. Oldest Evangelical Lutheran church in Namibia. It has been declared a national monument...

Herero women in their traditional clothing.

Pedestrian zone in downtown Windhoek. 

The only public park in downtown Windhoek. 

We are glad to return to our campground 40km outside of Windhoek.....

After a busy and very hot day pounding the pavement, we are safe at home, enjoying a glas of wine and a beautiful sunset.

African sunset..... tomorrow we move on to Waterberg

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